2024 Koorie Youth Summit - Ancestor’s Footsteps, Young Voices, Empowering Futures

About Our Theme – Ancestor’s Footsteps, Young Voices, Empowering Futures:
The theme for the 2024 Koorie Youth Summit, Ancestor’s Footsteps, Young Voices, Empowering Futures, combines the notions of following our Ancestor’s footsteps, paying homage to all of those that have come before us and their advocacy for the rights and representation of future generations. To us, as young, proud Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people now using our voices to do the same, we look to shape and determine where to next for us as well as what we want for our mobs moving forward. We will listen, heal, share, and celebrate each other so that we can empower each other into the future.

The Koorie Youth Summit is the largest gathering in Victoria created for and by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people aged 18-28 years. Since 2014, KYC has hosted the event to create a safe space for young mob to gather from around the state to connect with each other, discuss what is important to us, be proud, learn, share and celebrate our culture.
Each year, our Summit centres around a theme, and features deadly speakers and yarning circles and workshops. Previous speakers have included Uncle Archie Roach, Adam Briggs, Adam Goodes, Aunty Di Kerr, Tunchai Redvers, as well as members of our Executive and deadly young people.