KYC Executive Committee Expression of Interest Form

About Koorie Youth Council (KYC)

Koorie Youth Council (KYC) is the representative body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people in Victoria. Guided by our Executive of up to 15 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people and our state-wide network, KYC values the diversity and strength of young people as decision-makers. KYC advocates to government and community to advance the rights and representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people.

By hosting events like the annual Koorie Youth Summit, KYC bring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people together to amplify their voices for social change.

About the KYC Executive Committee

The Koorie Youth Council Executive Committee is an active and engaged collective of up to 15 Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander young people aged 16 – 27 from across Victoria. The Executive Committee contribute their perspectives, insights, and experiences to inform decision-making processes, policies, and initiatives of the organisation. The Executive support KYC vision of “Koorie Youth collectively creating our future so that all young people feel safe, seen and heard.”

Eligibility: To apply for the Executive, you must be:

  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person residing in Victoria.
  • Aged between 16 – 25 at time of application.
  • Passionate about KYC’s vision of “Koorie Youth collectively creating our future so that all young people feel safe, seen and heard.”
  • Available to attend six meetings a year (on a Saturday) including one regional weekend.
  • Attend and support the delivery of the annual Koorie Youth Summit
  • Ability to commit to other active involvement in KYC work, including but not limited to: engaging online through email and groups chats, representation at workshops/conferences etc.

This is a voluntary role with remuneration and incentives provided where possible, including professional development opportunities. KYC are supportive of you learning and developing skills and will cover expenses like travel to Melbourne from regional areas.

Applying to join the Executive Committee is a unique opportunity to have your voice and community’s voice heard in the policy and advocacy of KYC.

To apply

  1. Complete the online application form on Koorie Youth Council’s website.
  2. Submit a resume.
  3. Provide a brief statement up 300 words explaining their interest in the position and how their experiences and perspectives align with the vision of KYC.

If you have any questions around the process or your application please reach out to Leyla Quartermaine, Deputy Executive Officer via: or submit a request on the website.

Keep up to date with news, job vacancies and opportunities at KYC, and our state-wide partnerships, here.
If you have any questions please email

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