Marram Nganyin gathering

Last month the KYC team and Marram Nganyin partners connected in person in Naarm (Melbourne) for the first time in two years! It was so special to finally connect in person and discuss what is important to us. The day included youth participation discussions, community reflections and a deadly feed from Mabu Mabu to wrap up the day. Thank you to Koorie Heritage Trust for the cultural tour and to all our Marram Nganyin partners who are doing incredible work in community supporting our young mob.

Watch this space over the next few weeks as we introduce each partner and the deadly programs they are running in their communities.



Marram Nganyin is a youth mentoring program for Aboriginal young people aged 12-25 years old. The program is run by Aboriginal organisations, Winda-Mara Aboriginal Corporation, Aboriginal Wellness Foundation, Strong Brother Strong Sister, Kiilalaana Warrior Kii, and Willum Warrain Aboriginal Gathering Place, that deliver the programs. The program is supported by KYC and funded by Office for Youth within the Department of Fairness, Families and Housing (DFFH).

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